Block build with a modular web design concept will easily kickstart your project, and build website & marketing site faster.
Block kit offers endless possibilities for your pages to kick-start your next project.
All our components and sections are responsively & flexibly designed.
Figma file - To give you 100% control over the design, with the block theme.
Blocks bootstrap 5 template comes with everything you need to get your website off the ground.
Block is the powerful front-end solution based on Bootstrap 5 —Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit.
Block is built using Sass. Easily change colors, typo, and much more. It is the most mature, stable, and powerful CSS extension language in the world.
All HTML files are checked via the W3C validator to ensure 100% valid code. As you probably know invalid HTML limits innovation, but Block is innovative at its core.
Say jQuery to NO! With the block we build a complete vanilla. js code for all the pages.
Block theme documentation helps developers, It has a theme installation workflow and how to use it for your purpose and easy copy and paste snippets.
Block is Mobile friendly, Designing websites to be mobile friendly ensures that your pages perform well on all devices.
Full task automation. Start your development process fast and easy with Node.js and Gulp setup. Configuration files are included.
Block theme pages also come with the light / dark mode. All components include a dark variant that lets you style your site differently when dark mode is enabled.
Our support team helps you solve any issues you have in working with Block them. To get help from our team, Contact us.
Enjoy using Block Template and stay tuned for the latest updates and news.